Author : The Fish Doc

Gills are vital to the health of koi Fish gills are extremely susceptible to physical damage, parasite infections and bacterial infections. Unless caught early, gill disease is very difficult to resolve. An understanding of the structure and function of the gill is helpful if we are to appreciate both the importance of gills and their ..

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Koi bacterial disease A serous threat that requires prompt action Bacterial disease, ulcers, fin-rot and stress Two things are important to minimize the likelihood of serious bacterial infections such as ulcers affecting our koi. Firstly, early diagnosis and treatment is vital to limit the spread and severity of infection, both in individual fish and throughout ..

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Koi are ammonia factories Although koi are easily the most attractive and endearing of fish, when it comes to hygiene they are not quite so appealing! In fact they are incredibly mucky, often called ‘water pigs’. Their size and insatiable appetite, together with the typical stocking levels of most ponds, means that copious amounts of ..

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