Author : The Fish Doc

Fish disease and antibiotics Antibiotic baths or dips provide another route for the treatment of bacterial fish diseases. However, baths and dips are not as effective as medicated food or injections for treating systemic infections or advanced ulceration. In general the best results come from antibiotic injections. Baths and dips are probably best used for ..

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Fish disease is a fact of life and in common with all pet owners,  fish-keepers need to be able to recognize the signs of ill-health in their fishy charges.  These pages give a comprehensive view of  common diseases including typical signs of disease and  how to systematically diagnosis both health problems and their causes. An ..

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Extremely irritating It is not uncommon to find small populations of the parasite Trichodina on fish. At low levels they don’t pose a threat to fish health. Unlike many parasites  it doesn’t actually feed on fish; these parasites only use the fish host as a home and means of transport! However, in large numbers they are extremely ..

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Dermocystidium. koi Identifying Dermocystidium Dermocystidium. koi  is an uncommon fish disease affecting koi although there are reports that other species may be affected. As its name suggests, Dermocystidium is a disease that affects the skin of koi and can be found on the gills, fins or body. It causes raised swellings varying in size from 1-2 cms to ..

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