Without osmoregulation fish will die Osmoregulation is the control of the concentration of body fluids. If a fish is unable to regulate the effects of osmosis it will die. Clearly, osmoregulation is a vital function affecting all aspects of fish health. Osmosis, diffusion and fish health If we look at the structure of the gill ..

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Ammonia – the silent killer Ammonia is extremely toxic and even relatively low levels pose a threat to fish health. Ammonia is produced by fish and all other animals, including ourselves, as part of normal metabolism. Such is the toxicity, that most animals immediately convert it to a less harmful substance, usually urea, and excrete ..

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Water quality, pH and fish health. What is pH and why is it so important to fish health and water quality? The simplest explanation is that it is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance – in this case pond water. Changes in  either can exert a powerful influence over both water ..

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Welcome to Fishdoc – the home of fish health and fish disease diagnosis and treatment. Whether your interest is koi, goldfish or tropical fish, the FishDoc site has a wealth of information about fish health related topics. There are comprehensive guides to fish disease diagnosis and treatment, including movies and photos,  as well as in-depth ..

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