A common parasite As with many fish parasites, small numbers of Costia (or more correctly Ichthyobodo) are not uncommon and appear not be detrimental to the fish’s health. In small numbers these parasites seem to live on cellular debris in a commensalistic relationship with their fish host. Costia  occasionally live on the skin and gills of healthy fish and it ..

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Even one parasite warrants immediate action The parasite Chilodonella is a major threat to fish health and finding even one parasite warrants immediate treatment. Chilodonella is a potentially dangerous  parasite for two reasons. First, unlike many parasites, it has a wide range of temperature tolerance and outbreaks often occur at low temperatures when fish are least able to resist. ..

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Click the right-hand mouse button if you want to down-load any of the movies (click “save target as….). The file sizes have been kept reasonably small, hopefully without losing too much detail – they will take a minute or two to download- depending on your modem speed.  Let them fully download before playing them. If ..

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Practice make perfect Although the microscope is a fairly simple instrument to set up and use, interpreting what you see can sometimes be difficult.  It really requires practice until such times as you know what is normal and what is not. As a piece of advice I would suggest familiarizing yourself with healthy or non-urgent ..

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General microscopy For general microscope work, a magnification between 40X and 400X is usually sufficient and will allow for relatively easy identification of most common ectoparasites. Higher magnification When talking about higher magnification it is important to understand the difference between simply magnifying the size and increasing the amount of visible detail.  With high-power microscopy ..

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An essential piece of equipment Without a microscope it is simply impossible to tell the difference between a water quality and a parasite problem. The microscope should be considered the most basic of tools in fish disease diagnosis – indeed, an accurate, full diagnosis of the disease and its cause just isn’t possible without a microscope!! ..

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When a condition is untreatable As with all other animals, there are situations when the fish, for a variety of reasons, either fails to respond to treatment or has a condition that is untreatable. It is my belief that fish are capable of suffering  and therefore the most humane act in such a situation is ..

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